Thursday, February 18, 2010

Renewable energy for Austin?

February 17th 2010 Marty Toohey wrote an article called "Council urged to pass renewable energy plan" for the Austin American Statesman. The author of this article briefly explains the proposed future energy plans for Austin and how it could effect Austin’s environment, economy, and your cost of electricity. The Austin City Council is to vote on the issues of cleaner energy for Austin some time next month.

If you’re planning on staying in the Austin area till 2020 I urge you to read this article. It might give you insight on what is up and coming as far as the clean energy, job creation, job deletion, coal prices, or a change in your electric bill. More importantly what the Austin City Council is doing for you.

When reading this article please think about the title of the blog spot “Revolution, Evolution or Revelation” and please comment on what you believe this article falls under. In my very uneducated highly opinionated mind I feel as though the efforts put forth by the City Council and Austin Energy is a good thing. First by creating a healthier environment for the future and attempting to lessen our ecological footprint. Even though it might be a small percentage every bit counts. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a green peace, environment-loving hippie. I do my fair share of screwing up the environment in many ways; I wont post to the public due to harassment and or prosecution of government agencies. Second I also applaud the job attraction. That being said, where one new job is created another job is lost. Meaning the coal miners that supply the coal to the power plant might dwindle and the Individuals that operate and build the solar panels and wind turbines might thrive. In turn effecting education. Are the checks and balances worth the change, or so small in scope there will not be a loss but only a gain? I don’t know IM NOT SMART REMEMBER……………… all I care about is how much is that crap gonna cost me? Is it gonna cut into my ALCOHOL FUNDS???????????????

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