Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Responsible driving

On March 23, 2010, in a left leaning blog site called Capitol Annex, Vince Leibowitz wrote an article called “Debate Continues Over Driver Responsibility Surcharges”. The article is about the driver responsibility surcharge and its effectiveness since its inception in 2003. The surcharges are a small portion of the Drivers Responsibility Act passed by Texas lawmakers to assist in generating money for the state when Texas was facing a major budget downfall and make Texas drivers simply more responsible and accountable for their actions. The major question being, ARE THE SURCHARGES WORKING?

Vince Leibowitz is the creator and writer for Capitol Annex and chair of the Texas Progressive Alliance, a very savvy political writer and blogger. Vince Leibowitz’s argument over the Driver Responsibility Surcharge legislation being a failure is semi adequate. Very little of this author’s article is his own words. He uses news articles, direct quotes from State Rep. Vicki Truitt but more importantly hard numbers from an unnamed source. The hard numbers are the best argument this author has in hopes that the lawmakers ratify or in high hopes scrap the Drivers Responsibility Act along with the financial hardship it places on the people that can least afford it.

I agree with the news articles, politicians, Mr. Leibowitz, and the people who oppose the act. I believe it would be a mistake to abolish the act completely. Seriously ratifying the surcharges and consequences must be considered. I do strongly feel the Act as a whole attempts to protect the people from irresponsible drivers but the surcharge portion of system is so steep it keeps the individual in a system of irresponsible drivers and makes it very difficult to get out of the cycle. I personally have been caught up in this cycle for menial charges and find it difficult to break free. But life goes on, and I have keys.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Religion in the Class Room

Oh what a controversial subject! Religion in the class room! It took me forever to find an article with something juicy to talk about, In a local paper that was opinion and not pure news. In the Austin American Statesman there was an article written on Jan 11th 2010 by the editorial board titled Another trip down biblical lane thanks to State Board of Education.

I think the author of this article was trying to reach out to everybody that is concerned with learning in Texas’ education programs, or has children in the educational programs now. The author opens with the statement “It would be folly to deny religion's influence on history. Of course, religion had an influence on history. But then, so did weather.” The author gave many examples of influences on history such as religion, weather, indecision and poor sense of direction. Then goes on to argue how creating curriculums on such narrow belief systems would deny students a greater understanding of the world. Not only did the founding fathers create a constitution that grants freedom of religion but also freedom from it. How would the Texas State Board of Education be following the Constitution if they made religion apart of the curriculum? Besides only to educate?

In my opinion the author is correct. The evidence and logic was well played and portrayed to the public in a manner every open-minded individual can appreciate. All to often religion is misinterpreted, books misread and acted on, quoted or portrayed wrong. Leave the religious training or upbringing to the parents. If they want their children to learn religion they can learn it at church or in there home.